Under this Call for Artists (“CFA”), the Library, Arts & Culture Department (“Library”) of the City of Glendale (“City”)— on behalf of the City’s Arts & Culture Commission (“ACC”)— is accepting proposals from qualified candidates who would like to participate in its’ Beyond the Box – Utility Box Art Program (“Program”). A successful applicant will be required to adhere to the Program requirements set forth herein below.
This project is open to all local and regional artists. The ACC encourages applications from both new and established artists. Glendale artists may be given preference if all else is equal. Artists may apply as an individual artist or as a group. For group submissions, a signed Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement for each participating artist must be included in addition to the application form and design template. Group submissions may be for a single utility box or multiple utility boxes. No more than three submissions per individual or group. City of Glendale employees are not eligible to apply.
The Library and the ACC have designed a program to support public art programs and to enhance the community and neighborhoods through the use of art. The Beyond the Box – Utility Box Art Program enhances the aesthetics of the city, promotes civic pride, increases pedestrian traffic and extends public art to new areas and unexpected places while creating an attractive environment and allowing art to be introduced to the public in a creative and inventive way. The program goal is to bring beauty to unexpected places such as public infrastructure and utility boxes.
This Call For Artists is for a Beyond The Box – Utility Box Art Program art painting event that will take place from October 14 - 20, 2024 with selected utility boxes throughout various locations in Glendale.
The theme of this year’s Beyond the Box – Utility Box Art Program is Art & Science Collide in celebration of Glendale Library, Arts & Culture’s participation in PST ART: Art & Science Collide, which is the Getty Foundation’s Southern California regional arts and culture initiative returning in September 2024. This year’s theme, Art & Science Collide, will create opportunities for civic dialogue around some of the most urgent problems of our time by exploring past and present connections between art and science. Applicants are highly encouraged to visit the PST ART: Art & Science Collide website at https://pst.art/en/about to gain inspiration for submissions and proposals.
The ACC would like to encourage artists and community members to create art in the City to beautify the streetscape by incorporating the theme as inspiration for proposal submissions. Artists are not required, but highly encouraged to incorporate volunteers into the art process. Artists may create a template or outline to help volunteers paint the art, or propose another concept for involving volunteers in the art process.
Artists will be required to prime paint their specific utility box. Artists may begin prime painting the utility boxes on Monday, October 14, 2024, and must begin painting utility boxes no later than Friday, October 18, 2024. Painting and application of the final protective coating must be completed by Sunday, October 20, 2024.
The ACC will fund $1,000.00 per utility box, inclusive of all artist’s fees, paints and materials. The ACC anticipates selecting artwork for up to fifteen (15) utility boxes. The utility boxes may maintain the integrity of the artwork for a period of 1 year (or when the City, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate to remove or re-paint the utility box).
Interested artists, art organizations, or schools must complete the application online which can be found at the ACC website: https://www.glendaleartsandculture.org/beyondthebox. Hard copy applications will not be accepted. The application includes the following information which will need to be completed:
A. Artist Name
B. Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
C. Email & Phone
D. Proposed Artwork - Description
Please tell us about your proposed utility box artwork. Include the title of the proposed artwork.
E. Proposed Artwork - Design
Please upload a high-resolution image of your proposed utility box artwork. Artwork must match the template provided.
F. Please list links to your artwork, including murals, utility boxes, paintings, digital artworks, etc.
G. Please list the social media and usernames you use for your art.
H. How did you hear about this Call for Artists?
I. Have you painted a Glendale utility box in the past? Have you painted utility boxes for any other City than Glendale? Please list.
The Beyond the Box – Utility Box Art Program is designed to encourage community pride and beautify neighborhoods. Art to be installed on public utility boxes will be installed in a public place and must be suitable for viewing by all ages.
The following guidelines should be followed:
The artwork that is included in the application must resemble the art that will be painted on the box.
Because the size of the utility box may vary slightly, be prepared to adjust your artwork to the size of the box.
The City of Glendale, or its contractors, must have access to the components in the utility box at all times.
Some utility boxes may have locks and control panels that will have to remain free of any art image.
Artists may need to provide a buffer around the utility box to prevent the public from brushing against wet paint. Artists must consult with the Department of Public Works to obtain the necessary clearances prior to installing any barriers on the public right of way (sidewalk or street). Any barriers must comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements.
Utility boxes contain sensitive electronic components. Washing or painting the utility box should be done in a manner that no moisture gets inside the box through any vents or openings.
The vents shall not be covered so as not to restrict airflow from the cabinet. Ventilation keeps the utility box from overheating.
Door hinges should be painted so as to not lock the door in place.
The levers/handles/keyholes on the utility boxes shall not be painted or have any coating over them.
Artwork using a majority of dark colors cannot be considered due to the potential for overheating of the utility boxes.
Artists are responsible for prepping, priming, and painting the utility boxes. Artist will need to clean their proposed utility box, and apply at least one coat of white metal primer between October 14 – 17, 2024. Artists will need to apply a colored base coat. Several sequential steps will be needed to complete the project, including: 1. sand, 2. prime, 3. paint with acrylics, and 4. finishing with anti- graffiti clear coat. Artists are responsible for cleanup of their area and safe disposal of all paint materials.
Artists may only use acrylic paint: Golden or Liquitex high viscosity paint, lightfastness 1, with low sheen, eggshell or satin finish. Artists are responsible for applying a coat on top of the Liquitex Soluvar. This is not permanent varnish, but is weather and UV resistant and will enable better graffiti clean off if needed.
Below is a comprehensive checklist of highly recommended supplies for the best painting outcome and your personal comfort. This may not be a complete list as all artists work differently:
Approved Utility Box/ Art signage to identify the artist while working
Paint Stool or chair for comfort
Bucket to hold water for paint brushes
Paint brushes
Painters tape, masking tape
Drop cloth or plastic sheeting, newspaper for protecting surrounded area
Biodegradable cleanser
Rags and/or paper towels
Please be ADVISED:
Do not paint over/obliterate any identification numbers/codes on the box, if any. Paint around them.
Do not paint over keyholes or paint keyhole covers so that they cannot be opened.
Do not obstruct vents.
Do not use airbrush or spray equipment.
Do not paint over the electrical box located on the side of the utility box.
Artists and artist groups may request a specific or series of utility box location(s) on the application but are not guaranteed a specified location.
If an artist’s utility box art work is graffitied, the City will contact the Artist to discuss options for graffiti removal. The City cannot be held responsible for damage caused by graffiti removal. The City may remove art from a utility box, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, including, but not limited to, for any of the following reasons:
The City determines that the artwork falls under any one or more of the reasons listed under “Ineligible Artwork”;
The artwork, or any part of it:
Endangers public safety or poses a public safety hazard;
Possess a demonstrated fault in workmanship;
Requires excessive or unreasonable maintenance;
Is damaged irreparably (including vandalism or graffiti), or to an extent that restoration is unreasonable or impractical;
The utility box owner requests removal; or
The utility box is damaged or needs maintenance, repair, modification, or replacement.
INELIGIBLE ARTWORK (click for more information)
Submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of Arts & Culture Commissioners and City of Glendale representatives. Once the artwork is selected, the committee will send a notification by email and formal letter and the artist(s) will be assigned the City utility box(es). Selected artists will be notified approximately six weeks after submission deadline.
SELECTION CRITERIA (click for more information)
The City may reject a proposal as non-responsive, in its sole and absolute discretion, if the proposal fails to document that the artist meets the above-requirement(s) or if the proposal fails to adhere to the above-guideline(s).
The City reserves the right to reject the proposal of any artist who has previously failed to perform properly, or complete on time, contracts of a similar nature, or to reject the proposal of an artist who is not in a position to perform such a contract satisfactorily. The City expressly reserves the right to reject the proposal of any artist who is in default of the payment of taxes, agreements or other monies due to the City of Glendale.
This Call for Artists and the proposal evaluation process do not:
Obligate the City to accept or select any proposal; or
Constitute an agreement by the City that it will actually enter into a contract with any artist.
When it best serves the City’s interests, the City may do any one or more of the following:
Reject any proposal or all proposals at its sole discretion.
Extend the deadline for accepting proposals.
Accelerate the pace of the Call for Artists process if only one or a handful of proposals is received.
Waive any or all information, defects, irregularities, or informalities in a proposal.
Accept amendments to proposals after the submission deadline.
Revise, change, or amend the Call for Artists’ evaluation or selection criteria before the submission deadline.
Cancel, withdraw, revise, change, amend, or negotiate the terms of this Call for Artists, the proposed Contract, or both.
Reissue a Call for Artists.
Conduct one or more oral interviews.
Visit an artist’s business or facilities.
Examine financial records of an artist to the extent necessary to ensure financial stability.
Make a partial award.
Negotiate with one or more artist(s).
Award a Contract to one or more artist(s).
Require a best and final offer from one or more artist(s).
Provide or perform the services using a City officer or employee, or contract directly— without a Call for Artists or bids — for the services.
Selected finalists will be notified by email. If the art is approved for exhibition, the artist must sign the Artist’s Agreement, Beyond the Box – Utility Box Art Program, which includes a Consent, License, and Liability Release Agreement (“Agreement”).
The Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. Please review the Agreement and submit any questions and/or concerns you may have regarding the Agreement before or at the time you submit your application.
Artists submitting an application expressly acknowledge and agree that the artist has read this BEYOND THE BOX – UTILITY BOX ART PROGRAM - CALL FOR ARTISTS, and has read, understands and is able to enter into the Agreement.
The artwork may be exhibited on the City web site, social media, Glendale government television GTV6, and more regionally with press releases and postings on www.glendaleartsandculture.org. By submitting a proposal, the artist irrevocably grants City, its officers, agents, and employees (“City and its representatives”) the unconditional right and permission to photograph, record (audio, or video, or both), broadcast, distribute, reproduce, copy, sell, exhibit, publish, and use the photographs and recordings of the artwork or performance, in whole or in part, in any medium now or later developed, for any purpose, without charge to the City and without payment to the artist of any compensation, fee, royalty, or damages (now or later).
When the City uses the artist’s images or the artwork for promoting arts programming, the City will endeavor to identify the artist and give credit to the artist, whenever possible, but the City will not be liable to the artist for an error in or omission of the artist’s identification or the artist’s credit for the artwork.
INSURANCE/LIABILITY (click for more information)
Beyond the Box Application Opens May 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Beyond the Box Application Closes June 21, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Beyond the Box – Artist Review and Selection Committee July 8 – July 12, 2024
Beyond the Box – Artist Notifications July 19, 2024
Beyond the Box – Paperwork Completion July 22 – 26, 2024
Beyond the Box – Paint Priming of the utility boxes October 14 – 17, 2024
Beyond the Box – Painting of the Murals October 18 – 20, 2024
During the period beginning on the date of the issuance of the Call for Artists and ending on the date of selection of the artist, no person (or entity) submitting a proposal in response to this Call for Artists, nor any officer, employee, representative, agent, or consultant representing such a person (or entity) shall contact through any means or engage in any discussion concerning the award of the Contract with any member of the City Council of the City of Glendale, or the member of any City of Glendale Board or Commission, or the Council or Board members’ staff. Any such contact shall be grounds for the disqualification of the proposal. During the period beginning on the date of the issuance of this Call for Artists and ending on the date of selection of the artist, each person or entity described in the previous paragraph shall limit his or her communication with City staff to the written clarification and amendment process described in this Call for Artists, and during interviews or discussions pursuant to evaluation and selection process described in this Call for Artists. At no time may any artist have any communication with a member of the selection committee, other than communication initiated by such member during interviews or discussions.
Questions about the Beyond the Box - Call for Artists can be submitted by email to: Jennifer Fukutomi-Jones, Principal Arts & Culture Administrator at artsandculture@glendaleca.gov.