The City of Glendale is on the path to become an arts and culture destination in the Los Angeles metropolitan region. Reflecting on its diverse population, history and innovation in public spaces, the City seeks to further enrich the day-to-day experiences of the community with its emphasis on the importance of arts and culture.
As part of the City of Glendale’s initiative to become a prime arts and culture destination, up to ten long-term to permanent artwork installations will be commissioned, developed and established over the course of the next few years. These landmark installations will be strategically placed throughout the City in locations that focus on public accessibility and encourage public engagement and interactivity.
This RFQ outlines three current art opportunities across the City of Glendale.
This call for artists will reach out for three different project opportunities in the City of Glendale. The aim for all three artwork opportunities is to create world-class public artwork in a diverse range of mediums that are designed to engage the community, and showcase the cultural diversity of the City and enhance the various civic and public spaces.
Each location is different and asks for its own unique mediums utilizing highly imaginative and forward-thinking approaches. Selected Artists and Artist Teams will be asked to demonstrate creative applications to support the building and activation of a community interconnected by its public art.
We encourage Artists and Artist Teams to review the opportunities and consider how their own practice relates to the conceptual and visual demands and how their art practice might address the stated project goals. When applying to the RFQ, Artists and Artist Teams may apply for one or multiple opportunities that they feel they can develop strong
concepts and visions for.
This RFQ is for qualifications only. A shortlist of artists will be selected from the applicants to move on to the next stage of developing concepts to present to the Glendale Arts Commission. These finalists will receive a stipend for their concept design work. Applicants should not propose a concept when applying to the RFQ.
OPPORTUNITY 1: Montrose Circular Benches
Budget $300,000
The neighborhood of Montrose is located North of downtown Glendale. The neighborhood has a lot of foot traffic because of the shops and events that are often held on Honolulu Avenue. This art opportunity is to update the circular
benches along Honolulu Avenue.
This location and project is calling for an Artist or Artist Team to deliver a painted or tile mosaic application to the 3 existing benches.
OPPORTUNITY 2: Palmer Park Basketball Mural
Artist Design Fee $30,000
Palmer Park is located south of downtown Glendale. The park features picnic areas, a playground, a wading pool, and a basketball court. The large basketball court at Palmer Park is an opportunity for artwork that visitors can engage with.
This location and project is calling for an Artist or Artist Team to deliver a basketball court mural at Palmer Park. This opportunity has a design fee of $30,000 that will be allocated to the artist, installation will be handled separately by the City of Glendale.
OPPORTUNITY 3: Patterson Ave / 134 Tunnel
Budget $300,000
Near Fremont Park is a pedestrian tunnel that extends under the 134 Freeway, from Patterson Ave to N Kenilworth Ave. As one of the few pedestrian friendly places to cross the freeway, the tunnel is frequented by the community. Currently, it is dimly lit and often needs to be repainted due to graffiti.
This location and project is calling for an Artist or Artist Team to deliver a lighting installation that would make the tunnel a brighter and more inviting space for pedestrians to use..
Applications will be received via Submittable:
The deadline to apply to the RFQ is January 19th, 2024 at 5pm PST.
RFQ released November 27th, 2023 (9am PST)
Deadline for questions December 4th, 2023 (5pm PST)
Response to questions posted December 8th, 2023 (5pm PST)
Deadline to apply January 19th, 2024 (5pm PST)
Shortlist Selected February 9th, 2024
Shortlisted Artists start on conceptual designs to present in March
Shortlisted Artists present concepts at Arts & Culture Commission Meeting March 2024
Finalists selected March 2024